The central objective of the project is to develop an integrated strategy for the viability of acorns as a raw material for the production of flour and value-added processed by-products such as starch, antioxidants and oils, which are proposed as sustainable and short supply chain alternatives for the food industry. The main vectors of the project are (i) the development of a network of producers and collection sites, (ii) the study and optimisation of harvesting and (iii) processing costs, including (iv) analysis of their scalability to unlock future continuous supply capacity, (v) and the creation and testing of innovative composite products, (vi) develop a marketing and communication strategy focusing on emerging markets and exports, (vii) and assess the social and economic impact and carbon footprint of the value chain being developed.
Funding: Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR)
Application Code: 000200-LA9.5
Project Title: Integrated Valorization of Acorns as a Portuguese Raw Material for Differentiating Food Products (OakFood)
Duration: 24 months
Start: 01 September 2023
End: 31 August 2025
Coordination: Food4Sustainability - Association for Innovation in Sustainable Food
Consortium: Food4Sustainability, LandraTech, Francesco Montanari - Consultoria Unip. (Arcadia International), Centre for Biotechnology and Fine Chemistry - Portuguese Catholic University (UCP), AgroGrINTech, National Confederation of Agriculture (CNA), Regional Directorate of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Centre (DRAPC), National Competence Centre for Dried Fruit (CNCFS), Pepe Aromas, Javalimágico, Equanto and Purenut - Organic Food (Biomit)
Status: Ongoing