Limited natural resources, combined with current consumption trends and needs, urgently require sustainable food systems capable of producing healthier products. The 'MEDACORNET' project aims to increase adherence to the Mediterranean diet by developing new products based on acorns, a traditional Mediterranean superfood, and by promoting the actors involved in their production and processing. The data generated will be used to define dietary guidelines/recommendations and strategies to promote the adoption of acorns as an ingredient in a healthy and sustainable Mediterranean diet.

In short, MEDACORNET aims to unlock the value chain of acorns, an ancient traditional ingredient of Mediterranean cuisine, produced by various native oak species, which is currently wasted. Based on the trans-Mediterranean consortium established, the project will produce results in complementary but diversified fields of action aimed at valorising acorns from our native forests.

Funding: PRIMA Foundation & FCT

Type of Funding: PRIMA Section 2 Call multi-topics 2022

Application Code: PRIMA/0006/2022

Project Title: Rescuing acorns as a Mediterranean traditional superfood (MEDACORNET)

Duration: 36 months

Start: 01 July 2023

End: 30 June 2026

Coordination: LandraTech

Consortium: LandraTech (LT; Portugal), MARE - Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPLeiria; Portugal), Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB; Portugal), Collaborative Laboratory Mountains of Research (MORE; Portugal), University of Bari (UBA; Italy), University of Osijek (UO; Croatia), Beykent University (BU; Turkey), Abdelmalek Essaâdi University (UAE; Morocco), University of Tunis El Manar (UTM; Tunisia), Mechanics Laboratory Computational- University of Tlemcen (MECACOMP, Algeria), and GEOAI ANALYTICS, S. L. (GeoAI; Spain)

‍Status: Ongoing‍

Project Website

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