The Acorn4MED project was supported by the "la Caixa" Foundation as part of the third Promove programme competition, which aims to boost border regions in the interior of Portugal. The competition for innovative and strategic projects is organised by the 'la Caixa' Foundation in partnership with the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).
Led by Tech4MED, together with IPB's CIMO and LandraTech, the consortium evaluated the bioactive compounds present in acorns. The acorns of most oak species are rich in bioactive compounds that can be extracted and isolated, and have great market potential. The results of the project will contribute to the production of high value-added solutions for the biotechnology and cosmetics industries, of global interest, with an impact on forest sustainability and the economic dynamism of Trás-os-Montes.
Funding: "la Caixa" Foundation
Type of Funding: PROMOVE 2020 - Innovative Pilot Projects
Project Title: Valorization of Acorn Forest Waste for Application in Biomedicine (Acorn4MED)
Duration: 36 months
Start: 01 April 2021
End: 01 April 2023
Coordination: Tech4MED
Consortium: Tech4MED, LandraTech, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança
Status: Completed